Header Image for Watlington Neighbourhood Plan

NPSC and Community Forum

  • Watlington Parish Council is the Relevant Body as defined in the Localism Act 2012 (in effect WPC is the owner of the plan);

  • The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been established as a sub-committee of WPC and has been responsible for taking forward the work done previously by the NPCC (Phase 1). It will consist of six councillors and this committee fulfils a scrutiny role for WPC on the work of the NP Community Forum (see below);

  • The Watlington Neighbourhood Development Plan - Community Forum will be organised into a number of Advisory Groups working on specific aspects of the WNDP, with a Coordination Group responsible for guiding the Advisory groups and managing the overlap of interests between the groups.  The WNDP Community Forum has consisted of residents of the parish and the surrounding areas, who wished to contribute to planning the future of Watlington.  The Coordination Group does not include any Parish councillors, but works closely with the NPSC to ensure the smooth development of the plan.

  •  The Terms of Reference for the WNDP Community Forum are here.

Because of budget constraints we anticipate that much of the work in preparing the Neighbourhood Development Plan is being carried out by volunteers. Hundreds of hours have spent in discussion and debate in producing evidence, documenting progress and defining draft policies. We do know that Watlington has some specific problems such as air quality and traffic congestion that has required some input from professional consultants. The structure for the project is illustrated below :
