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Communications  & Media

Our 2015/6 video message

Our 2017 video message

How we kept in touch 

Initially, the NPCC produced a series of newsletters - see example from September 2014 and an earlier example from July 2014.

For Phase 2 we sent regular e mail updates to our subscriber database, which has over 500 contacts compiled between September 2015 and the current time. We encouraged response to Consultation 3 and the online survey using this targeted approach - example

A Christmas message in the form of a personalised Christmas Card in December 2016 following a feature stall at the Watlington Christmas Fair in the preceding two years

Two specially designed flyers as Consultation 3 approached - the first and the second - we arranged special meetings with the business community and leaflets to ensure that the WNDP settlements were involved

Events, including roadshows,  were supported by Powerpoint presentations and or Display boards and other banners and A boards


Local Press 

Regular updates were featured in the Watlington Times over the complete period of the plan. Example pieces are here and here

The Henley Standard also featured regular articles


We post messages on to the Watlington Town Noticeboard regularly and we are expecting to use all aspects of social media as the Plan progresses 

Local Issues 

Please refer to the "Communications with stakeholders" tab